Ashtanga Yoga Student and Authorized Level II Teacher
Curious about mental health and wellness, I graduated from the University of Illinois at Chicago with a BA in Applied Psychology. I found yoga in 2012 while searching for a way to care for my whole self beyond just the physical body. I was captivated by the silent, meditative and physically challenging method of Ashtanga yoga and developed a daily practice under the guidance of Todd Boman and Alexia Bauer. I went on to receive a 500-hour teaching certification from Chicago’s Moksha Yoga Center and have taken seven annual trips to Mysore, India to practice under Ashtanga master Sharath R. Jois, who has authorized me to teach the primary and intermediate series. I currently live and teach in Chicago.
I view yoga practice as a powerful tool which tunes the body and mind in preparation for the day to come and stabilizes practitioners through life's ups and downs. As a teacher, I provide sensitive yet strong adjustments that guide students to deepen their physical practice. My priority is to help students develop a consistency in their practice that allows for self-exploration and reflection.
In addition, I teach Kids Yoga, informed by years of work in Montessori Education. I see value in introducing mindfulness practices and body awareness to children early on in life to help them grow into well adjusted adults. I teach yoga to children in a playful and creative way via games, songs and stories.
The Ashtanga Practice
The Ashtanga vinyasa yoga method was created by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and his teacher Sri. T. Krishnamacharya. This dynamic practice involves synchronizing the breath with a progressive series of postures, or asanas, in order to build internal heat while challenging the practitioner to balance strength, flexibility and focus. The practice is composed sun saultations, standing postures, seated postures, backbends and a closing sequence and can be approached as a type of moving meditation that creates space to cultivate awareness, equanimity and non-attatchement in order to increase overall well-being. This practice is intended for everyone ranging from complete beginner to experienced practitioner. The philosophy behind the Ashtanga method is based on ancient wisdom outlined by the Indian sage Patanjali. According to Patanjali's yoga sutras, Ashtanga literally translates to "eight limbs," where asana is only one limb of the system. The rest of the limbs are as follows: The 8 Limbs of Ashtanga Yoga1. Yama [moral codes]2. Niyama [self-purification and study]3. Asana [posture or seat]4. Pranayama [channeling energy and breath]5. Pratyahara [channeling the senses]6. Dharana [concentration]7. Dhyana [meditation]8. Samadhi [absorption into the Universal]
- Talk to me
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Find me on Instagram @sleek_chameleon